Looping over value/variables/files are some key time-saving tricks. Hope this could help.

forval i = 2/10 {
    gen byte year`i' = (year == `i')

Loop over ordered variables (var1,var2,…varN)

*i.e. interested variables in precise order

foreach v of varlist var1-varN{
 gen new`v' = `v'*100
local bn = 1000000000 // simply a cosmetic touch
foreach v in "1" "5" "x" "y" "N" {
 replace var`v' = var`v'/`bn'
 la var var`v' "Group `v', in billion"
ds v1 v2, not // excluding v1 and v2 from all variable
global looplist `r(varlist)' // this stores your desired variable list 
foreach v of varlist $looplist{

More about ds command, see: Alain Vandormael

Loop over files within a folder (file1, file2, … fileN) *credit to Andreas Ebbehoj

* 1) Locate the target directory 
*(the folders are named 2010, 2011,..., 2021)
local filepath = "/Users/steve/Dropbox/IHEID/.../file/" 

foreach i of num 2010/2021{
local files : dir "`filepath'`i'/" files "*.xls" 

* 2) Loop over all files to import and append each file
tempfile master`i' // Generate temporary file to store data
save `master`i'', replace empty

cd "`filepath'`i'/" 
foreach x of local files {
    di "`x'" // Display file name

	* 2A) Import each file
	import excel "`x'", cellrange(A2) firstrow clear // Import excel file
	gen id = subinstr("`x'", ".xls", "", .)	// Generate id variable (same as file name but without .xls)
	rename oldvar newvar

	* 2B) Append each file to masterfile
	append using `master`i''
	save `master`i'', replace

Example in generate temperature difference in hottest-to-coldest, second-hottest-to-second-coldest, etc.

sort Country Year Temperature

loc x = 1
loc y = 12
forvalues i = 1/6{
	by Country Year, sort: gen pair`i' = Temperature[`y'] - Temperature[`x']
	loc x = `x'+1
	loc y = `y'-1

Loop over values (1,2,…12)

Example in generating yearly dummies

Loop over unordered variables (var1,var5,…varN)

*i.e. interested variables NOT in precise order

Loop over all variables except a few

Loop over all alphabetic order

*for Stata 17 and onwards:
local labels " "Model" "Country FE" "Obs." "
*for older Stata version:
local labels `" `"Model"' `"Country FE"' `"Obs."' "'

esttab y x1 xN ///
using ./table_ouput, ///
stats(`stats_rows', ///
fmt(`fmt_set') ///
tokenize `c(alpha)'
local alphabet = 1 // = a

forval i = 1/5 {
esttab result_`i' ///
using ./output/`file', append ///
title({\b Table 1.``alphabet''} ///
[other optional commands]

local alphabet = `alphabet'+1

Double-quote problem, example on stackoverflow

Save a list of row titles { “Model” “Country FE” etc… } and reuse them at every regression table output.


Data Input


Small Fixes