Finding the right data for executing a research idea empirically is definitely the most time-consuming section in my previous projects. One thing I appreciate a lot is some kind bloggers listing out their data-hunting experience, it saves me from endless googling and emailing, as well as spicing up some insightful twists or approaches to some issues. Here I try to be one of those kind bloggers in listing what I came across and where to find it in two parts:

1. general and commonly-used data, e.g. population, GDP, etc.
2. specific data portal/ sources by theme, labour, trade, macro, firm-level financials
*Last updated: 5 Aug, 2022

General data


ICPSR Open data search engine

Population data: UN Population

EU-specific Bruegel

ISO Country Code ISO official website
Scrape-table source: IBAN

Time zones in FTK by Herman Wong
Open access